Symptoms of foundation Problems: Exterior Wall Crack
A wall crack can get visible from the inside, the outside, or even from both sides.
Symptoms of foundation Problems: Floor Cracks
The main problem with cracks is that if the major problem does not get fixed, the cracks will only expand and get even more visible to anyone around.
Causes of Foundation Problems: Excessive Irrigation & Plants
Having plants of any type right next to the foundation might not be very b beneficial in the long run. Plants retain more water than usual, and the soil beneath your house is clay which is categorized as expansive soil, which will eventually damage your house's foundation.
Underpinning Installation System: Heavy Machinery
Heavy machinery is used to keep an efficient and fast process to deliver the service product on time to the customer.
Underpinning Installation System: Location
The location is very important; that is why our engineering department is the one that helps us determine the location of each pier based on the house's needs and consumer goals.
Underpinning Installation Procedure: The Last Assessment
Right after permanently attaching each pier with its assigned bracket, our foundation heroes need to complete a last assessment to evaluate if it is wise to the house foundation back to its original position.
Underpinning Installation Procedure: Final Look
Once the piers got installed, our foundation heroes covered each hole with dirt and tried to leave the place as if nothing happened. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family will no longer have to worry about foundation problems for a very long time.