Symptoms of Stem Wall Failure: Flaking Paint
One of the first signs of stem wall failure is when there is flaking paint on the stem wall. Some people might say there is flaking paint because of the over-exposure to sunlight and heat, which in some way they are important factors in most cases; it just means the stem wall is failing due to corrosion.

Symptoms of Stem Wall Failure: Horizontal Concrete Cracks
Horizontal concrete crack on a stem wall means that the corrosion problem started in the rebar, and then it spread to the rest of the stem wall's components.

Symptoms of Stem Wall Failure: Spalling Concrete
Spalling concrete is the last and the worst of all the symptoms. On top of being very visible to anyone who passes by, it also makes the concrete fall off the stem wall.

Stem Wall Repair Process: Removing & Replacing
To prevent any potential threat of rust production in the future, our home heroes need to remove all the damaged components of the stem wall, including the concrete. In this picture, the damaged concrete got already removed, and the rebar got replaced by a new one too.

Stem Wall Repair Process: Preventing is Saving
After replacing the components, a blue material got poured on the stem wall to prevent any possibility of oxidation in the future.

Stem Wall After NeveRust™
This is what a stem wall looks like after installing NeveRust™. As you can see, the stem wall looks smooth, neat, and ready to get some paint. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solution, this family will no longer have to face or struggle with any problem with their stem wall even again.