Spalling Concrete on Stem Wall Down in Mesa, AZ - 1
Spalling concrete is a very common symptom of stem wall failure and one of the most notorious too.

Horizontal Concrete Cracks on Stem Wall Down in Mesa, AZ
Horizontal concrete cracks are very important signs to look for because one can tell where the rust problem began.

Spalling Concrete on Stem Wall Down in Mesa, AZ - 2
you can see, there is a faucet right next to the stem wall, which probably incremented the chances of rust production.

Vertical Concrete Cracks on Stem Wall Down in Mesa, AZ
Vertical cracks are also an important sign to look for when it comes to stem wall diagnosis. Vertical cracks mean that the rust problem starts from the galvanized tie-down straps, and it probably went to the rebar after.

Stem Wall Repair process: Removing & Replacing
When there is spalling concrete on the rebar, it usually means that the whole rebar will need to get replaced along with some critical and elemental components of the stem wall.

Stem Wall Repair Process: Preventing Future Rust Production
Another critical step is to add this special blue material onto the stem wall to prevent any type of rust production on the days to come.

Stem Wall Repair process: Adding Fresh Cement
After replacing all the elemental components, some fresh cement got added onto the stem wall to properly fill and seal the stem wall.

Stem Wall After NeveRust™ in Mesa, AZ
This is what a stem wall should look like after executing the NeveRust™ Repair System. As you can see, the stem wall looks smooth, solid, and ready to get some paint on. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family will never have to face some stem wall problems.