Signs of Uneven Floor
Based on the level of damage, when it comes to settlement and heaves some doors and windows' functionality might get affected. This door, for example, could not be open all the way.

Signs of heaving & settlement
When there is heave and/or settlement involved in a foundation problem, there is a high probability that the floor will eventually get cracked.

Signs of heaving & settlement
Every time Arizona Foundation Solutions face a problem like this, we measure all the key performance indicators. Comparing the problem with the results is very important for us and our clients. In this picture, there is at least half of an inch of gab space between the floor and the wall.

Sings of Fluctuation
Every time there is a PolyLevel® system installation, our heroes apply tape on most of the concrete cracks of the affected area. The reason for the use of tape on cracks is because when the floor is leveling, our heroes can see the change on the floor.

Mid PolyLevel® Process
In this step, the PolyLevel® is already coming out of the walls. This means all the void spaces are fulfilled already. It is just a matter of time now for the PolyLevel® to fully get extended and solid.

After PolyLevel® Process
In this step, the PolyLevel® is fully extended and solid. The excess of the material got removed to make it more esthetic. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this facility will no longer have uneven floors and will not have problems with its doors and windows.