1) Unless I have missed it, we are still waiting for a formal warranty for the work done? As I understood it, the warranty is transferable should we sell our house. This is important since the original contract included slabjacking which was found not be be necessary; however, more extensive drilling was necessary to reach solid ground (up to 32' in one section, if I recall correctly). The net cost was a "wash" but I would like to document the details of work done.
2) In the contract there was a note about providing a video copy of the work done. I spoke with Jack McGuire about obtaining that but have not seen anything yet. A DVD might be the most practical method of sending it to us.
3) It appears that in collecting their tools, one of the workman may have inadvertently picked up a tape measure I left at the house. It is a 25" Stanley chrome tape measure which I left in the otherwise vacant house. Jack said he would check with Vic (?) the crew leader to see if it could be located. Or if not, replace it.
thank you.
Jack was very thorough in his evaluation and explanation of potential causes, need (or not) to have service performed and possible effects. His forthrightness and clarity provided a level of confidence that helped us decide to make this unanticipated and expensive service. He kept us informed and arranged to have the work done quickly so we could get on with the extensive remodeling required because of a burst water pipe in our home which forced us to gut the entire house.
Recommendation from other contractors; review on ROC site; Yelp reviews; literature review of engineering resources including Concrete Network.