Signs of Corrosion in a Stem Wall: Flaking Paint in Chandler, AZ
Among all stem wall issues, flaking paint stands out as the most prevalent and puzzling, often leading people to attribute the damage to sunlight and the passage of time, rather than corrosion.
Signs of Corrosion in a Stem Wall: Spalling Concrete in Chandler, AZ
Among all stem wall symptoms, spalling concrete is the most severe and concerning, marking the culmination of deterioration. Reaching this stage signifies a significant level of damage, necessitating the replacement of the majority of stem wall components. When spalling occurs, it's an indicator that comprehensive restoration efforts are required.
Stem Wall Repair Process: Straps Replacement in Chandler, AZ
Polypropylene loops, crafted from incredibly robust plastic, have taken the place of tie-down straps to establish a sturdy and efficient link between the wall and the rebar of the stem wall. These loops, thanks to their rust-resistant composition, ensure the stem wall remains corrosion-free and pristine, providing a reliable and durable solution.
Stem Wall Repair Process: Final Look in Chandler, AZ
Captured in this image, the stem wall boasts a rejuvenated, sleek appearance, all set for a fresh coat of paint. With the expertise of Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family can rest assured that upcoming days won't bring any corrosion concerns their way. A sturdy and corrosion-free foundation awaits them.