Signs of Foundation Problems: Ceiling Crack
The main proem with the foundation problem is if the issues do not get repaired on time, the signs of stress will only get worse, making the crack more visible and larger.

Underpinning Process: Location
The location is very important because if one of the piers is installed in a spot where is not needed, the whole system will not perform as expected because the pier might be provided support where the house does not need it; therefore, the home will continue to settle.

Underpinning Process: Is Machinery Required?
Yes, machinery is required to make the job more efficient and finish the project within the promised timeframe.

Underpinning Process: Last Assessment
Before permanently attaching the pier with its assigned bracket, our foundation repair team needs to complete a last evaluation where they will determine if it is wise to lift the foundation back to its original position without causing more structural damage.