Underpinning Process: Who Determines Where to Locate Each Pier?
Our engineers are the ones who select each pier location with the help of the foreman on the project after an in-depth analysis of the area.
Underpinning Process: Perfect Angle
Right before drilling any pier, our foundation heroes need to make sure all the pier are at the right angle to provide full foundation support to the room.
Underpinning Process: Last Assessment
Right before permanently attaching all the piers to their assigned bracket, our foundation experts need to complete a last evaluation. Our staff needs to analyze the current state of the house foundation to see if it is wise to lift the foundation back to its original position.
After Underpinning - 1
After underpinning, our foundation expert must cover all the holes and make sure it looks as aesthetic as possible.
After Underpinning - 2
Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family will no longer have foundation problems for a very long time, and their home value increased substantially.