Foundation Signs: Wall Cracks
Cracks in a wall are very common signs of a foundation problem. These cracks might seem inoffensive, but they can get worse.
Foundation Signs: Cracks in the Patio
Cracks in the patio might be a little different, and the main cause of the problem might be different too. There are two foundation problems; the first one is a settlement that causes a surface to sink and crack, and the other one is a heave that drives a surface to elevate and crack.
Foundation Signs: Floor Cracks
The main problem with cracks is that if the foundation problem doe not get fixed soon enough, the cracks will get larger and more visible.
Underpinning Procedure: Location is Key
The location is very important; that is why our engineering team, with the help and crucial assistance of the foreman in charge of the project, selects each location.
Underpinning Procedure: How Deep Should We Dig?
This is a very common question, and our foundation heroes normally drill down each pier from 7 to 10 feet underground until each pier reaches the strata layer.
Underpinning Process: The Importance of the Distance
The distance between each pier is crucial because depending on how close or far away each pier is will determine the foundation support provided to the assigned room.
Underpinning Process: Perfect Angle
Right before drilling down each pier, our foundation experts make sure each pier is at the right angle. The pier needs to be at a perfect angle to provide the expected support; otherwise, the support should be weak and not long-lasting.
Underpinning Process: Last Assessment
Right before installing every pier with its assigned bracket, our foundation experts need to complete a last assessment. The professional need to evaluate the current state of the foundation and see if it is wise to lift the foundation back to its original position.
Underpinning Process: Teamwork
Would you like to know what our secret sauce is? Well, we have many, but one of them is teamwork. Teamwork allows us to communicate and work together to finish a project on time and with efficiency.