Flaking Paint in Stem Wall
There might be many reasons or causes for flaking paint, but when the stem wall is failing, flaking paint occurs when the corrosion is destroying the stem wall from the inside out and changes the concrete PH making it acidic.
Spalling Concrete in Stem Wall
Spalling concrete is the last and the worst of the symptoms when the stem wall is failing because when the stem wall gets to this point, it means that most of the stem wall components will need to get replaced.
Rusting Rebar
As shown in this picture, the rebar is rusted and will need to get replaced eventually.
Protecting is Caring
Whenever our concrete repair experts are on a project,t they must make sure all the surroundings stay intact; that is why they use plastic sheets to protect the surroundings.
Rebar Replacement
As depicted in this image, the rebar got replaced and is ready to get new and fresh concrete poured.