Symptom of Foundation Problems in Sonoita, AZ - 1
The most noticeable in a house with foundation problems are cracks on the wall, as shown in this picture.
Symptom of Foundation Problems in Sonoita, AZ - 2
The problem with cracks on the walls or ceiling is that when there is a foundation problem, it means the cracks will extend no matter what and will get larger, deeper, and more expensive to repair.
The Utility of Excavators
Thanks to our high-quality excavators, our home heroes are able to dig the holes where the piers will get installed quickly and efficiently.
Distance is Key in the Underpinning Process
Distance between each hole is very important based on the house's needs and the opinion of our engineering department.
How Deep is Enough?
Another important factor when digging a hole to place the piers is how deep the hole needs to be. This answer is defined by our engineering department to diminish the probability of failure.
Protecting the Surroundings
Taking care of the surroundings is crucial for our home heroes. Sometimes Some houses have gravel or even grass in the area where our professionals are performing the work, so we try to do as much as possible to protect the floor from any unfortunate event.
After Underpinning Installation - 1
Here is a photo of where the piers got installed, and as you can see, the cement is still fresh, but the area is clean, and the floor looks smooth.
After Underpinning Installation - 2
Here is another photo of another area of the house after underpinning. As shown in this image, the ground looks well spread and even. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family will no longer have to worry about the cracks on the walls getting worse or even the floor.