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Understanding Concrete Crack Repair: Interior vs. Exterior

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Understanding Concrete Crack Repair: Interior vs. Exterior

Concrete is a durable and versatile building material used in various construction projects. However, over time, concrete surfaces can develop cracks due to a variety of factors such as shrinkage, settlement, and freeze-thaw cycles. Cracks not only affect the appearance of the concrete but also compromise its structural integrity if left untreated. Concrete crack repair methods differ for interior and exterior surfaces, with interior repairs often involving crack stitching and exterior repairs using sealants like Nexus Pro. In this blog, we'll delve into the differences between these two approaches and why they are suited for their respective applications.  

Interior Concrete Crack Repair: Crack Stitching  

Crack stitching is a technique used to repair cracks in concrete by stitching them together using specialized materials. It involves drilling holes on both sides of the crack and inserting metal stitching bars or rods along with a high-strength epoxy adhesive. 

Why is Crack Stitching Suitable for Interior Repair? 

  • Structural Integrity: Interior cracks are often caused by settling or shifting of the building. Crack stitching reinforces the concrete, restoring its structural integrity. 

  • Aesthetic Considerations: Interior spaces require a smoother finish for aesthetic purposes. Crack stitching provides a seamless repair that blends well with the surrounding concrete. 

  • Ease of Application: Crack stitching can be applied indoors without the need for heavy equipment, making it a convenient choice for interior repairs. 

How is Crack Stitching Done? 

  • Surface Preparation: Clean the crack and cut slits a few feet apart from each other 

  • Insert Carbon Fiber Bars: Insert the bars into the slits and secure them with low-viscosity polyurea 

  • Grind Down Crack: After polyurea cures, grind down to concrete level and smooth out 

Exterior Concrete Crack Repair: Nexus Pro Sealant 

What is Nexus Pro Sealant? 

Nexus Pro is a high-quality sealant specifically designed for exterior concrete surfaces. It is a flexible, UV-resistant material that effectively seals cracks and prevents water intrusion. 

Why is Nexus Pro Suitable for Exterior Repair? 

  • Weather Resistance: Exterior concrete is exposed to harsh weather conditions, including sunlight, rain, and temperature fluctuations. Nexus Pro's UV resistance and flexibility make it ideal for enduring these conditions. 

  • Preventing Water Intrusion: Water can seep through exterior cracks, leading to further damage and deterioration. Nexus Pro creates a waterproof barrier, protecting the concrete from water damage. 

  • Easy Application: Nexus Pro can be applied quickly and easily using a specialized sealant gun, making it a cost-effective solution for exterior repairs. 

How is Nexus Pro Applied? 

  • Surface Preparation: Clean the crack thoroughly to remove debris and dirt. 

  • Apply Nexus Pro: Load the sealant gun with Nexus Pro and apply a continuous amount of sealant along the crack, ensuring it fills the entire depth of the crack.