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Why crack stitching might be the solution for your foundation?

Why crack stitching might be the solution for your foundation? - Image 1


Why crack stitching might be the solution for your foundation?


So you’ve heard a loud sound, pulled the carpet, laminate, or wood boards away from your floor, and discovered a devastating crack in your home's slab. I guess it’s time to replace the slab all together. Or you could use a combination of carbon fiber laminates with polyurea and sand to repair the crack……… 

Let me explain. In this Article we will go over the details of concrete crack stitching as a solution to repairing your slab foundation. It is my hope that you will gain an understanding of crack stitching and whether it's the right solution for you. So let's get to it. 



Why crack stitching might be the solution for your foundation? - Image 2


what are some features of crack stitching?


What exactly is used to repair a cracked slab? At Arizona Foundation Solutions we use a combination of a Carbon Fiber Laminate as a way to bridge the separated slab. Low Viscosity Polyurea is a fast moving, light and easily makes its way into the crevices of the established crack. This will make sure to secure the slab. Adding the carbon fiber laminates works to strengthen your slab and prevent further cracking. So what’s the procedure for this exactly?  


What is the stitching method of crack repair?


  1. Work area needs to be clear
  2. Cut a perpendicular slit
  3. Keep dust under control with water
  4. Prep the polyurea Liquid
  5. insert the carbon fiber laminates
  6. Pour the polyurea into the crack
  7. Add sand
  8. Spread the excess and clear away
  9. wait 15 minutes
  10. Use a gridding tool to make it look smooth


One important thing to keep in mind is to make sure the work area is clear. All laminated floor, carpet, or planks within appx 1 foot on each side of the crack should be removed. Upon arrival, our crews will clean the area. This will include clearing away any loose concrete in the crack itself.  Now the crews will cut a small perpendicular slit to house the carbon fiber laminate. Because cutting into concrete creates dust, our crews will use water in order to keep dust under control. Excess water and cement is then vacuumed up. We will then prep the polyurea. Depending on the length of the crack getting fixed, this can take anywhere from 1-6 containers.  

Once the polyurea is prepped, we will insert the carbon fiber laminates into the slits. From here we will insert the polyurea into both the established crack and the slits where the carbon fiber laminates are housed. In addition to polyurea we use very fine sand to aid in the bonding process between the liquid and the slab. Any excess amount is spread over the top and cleared away. We allow a short 15-minute period for the mixtures to bond and harden. Before they are hardened too much, we scrape away whatever amount remains on the surface in order to have an even bridge. Once the surface has been cleaned and the compound hardened, we use a grinding tool to smooth out the surface. In some cases, the blending looks as if no crack was ever there.  


Why crack stitching might be the solution for your foundation? - Image 3


How much does crack stitching cost?


So now that you know the procedure and what to expect, how much does something like this cost? This will depend greatly on the length and width of the crack. repairing cracks typically are 1 third the cost of repairing your entire floor. 

Why crack stitching might be the solution for your foundation? - Image 4


How long does it take to repair completely a concrete crack on the floor?


Here's some good news. The time it takes to do a project like this? 1-2 days max. From the arrival time to the departure time you are looking at a time-friendly procedure. The area will then be ready within 24 hours to replace the carpet, laminate, or wood planks, whatever your flooring situation may be. If you had plans on remodeling, then those plans can begin the following day.  


Is the crack stitching repair method for you?

So who can benefit from crack stitching? If you have a slab foundation, as many people do, and cracks occurred then this method is the perfect fit to repair your slab. Homes with a crawlspace, held up by support beams won’t benefit from crack stitching. Those homes would best be serviced with our smart jack system. Mobile homes themselves wouldn’t benefit, however, the slab they rest upon, if any, might benefit. 


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Conclusion: Why crack stitching might be the best solution for my foundation?


So now that you have an understanding of our crack stitch procedure, take a look at your foundation slab. Are the cracks wider than an 8th of an inch? How long have they traveled through the slab? Do you feel it might be time to get this evaluated? Reach out to your Foundation specialist with any further questions and they will be more than happy to answer any additional questions you have.  


As a reminder, if any areas are either not addressed or are unclear to you, please contact your foundation specialist. If you have any questions before installation please give us a call at 1-602-470-1311

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Arizona Foundation Solutions
3125 S 52nd St
Tempe, AZ 85282