Do I need rain gutters in Arizona
Do I need rain gutters in Arizona?
Rain gutters have historically been a matter for what's above your home. But did you know that rain gutters can have an impact on what’s below your home? Stick around. In this article, we will go over the importance of rain gutters in a dry climate like Arizona. It is my hope that by the end you will have the knowledge to make an informed decision about your home’s foundation needs.
This is why your Arizona home needs rain gutters
One common question asked is “Do I need rain gutters in Arizona?” The short answer is yes. Seems odd that rain gutters would be important in a place where rainfall is scarce. But rain has a major impact on your home’s foundation. Here’s why.
Arizona is known for it’s dry climate and Low precipitation. Extreme heat in summer months would lead one to believe that any rainfall wouldn’t last too long on the surface. You wouldn’t think rain gutters would be a big deal. Turns out, Arizona needs them more than most places.
When it rains, moisture absorbs into the soil. As the rain stops and the heat increases, the moisture migrates toward cooler drier soils. Where do you think the cool dry soil is found? Yep, right under your home.
So no big deal right? Water is attracted to cool dry soil. When that water comes into contact with the cool dry soil, something occurs that makes it a big deal for you and your home’s foundation.
You won’t notice at first. The soils outside have dried up. The sun is shining and you’ve already forgotten the last time it rained. You lay down in your nice warm bed and slowly fall asleep until… hear a pop. A crack. What was that? Stay tuned until the end for a link to answer what those popping noises are.
At this point expansive soils have taken hold and the movement has commenced. Expansive soils are what happens when moisture comes in contact with dry soils. Like when the symbiote came in contact with Eddie Brock in Spiderman. The water is the symbiote and the cool dry soils are Eddie Brock. Together they form venomous expansive soils. Just be grateful the symbiote didn’t come in contact with the Sandman, but I digress. The water to soil process is quite fascinating.
Benefits of installing a rain gutter in Arizona
Installing a proper gutter system can greatly reduce the amount of moisture accumulation under your home’s foundation. Although gutters won’t be the end-all-be-all to protect against expansive soils, it will collect all the rain from your roof that would have ended up pooling around your foundation.
After installation, keep an eye out for any issues you might have with your foundation. Are there cracks in your drywall? Separation between the wall and ceiling? You could be experiencing expansive soil heave, and will need an in home evaluation. If this is the case give us a call, and one of our foundation specialists will help you find the best solution.