Signs of Foundation Problems: Wall Cracks
Wall cracks are very common signs of failure when there is a foundation problem affecting the house's structure.

Signs of Foundation Problems: What is Wrong with Foundation Cracks?
The main problem with foundation cracks is that if the major problem does not get addressed on time, those cracks will only get larger, deeper, and more expensive to repair.

Signs of Foundation Problems: Cracks in the Garage
The reason for a foundation cracking in all directions might be different in every household. Some houses are sinking because of a foundation settlement problem, and some others are facing foundation heave problems causing their floor to raise.

Underpinning System Process: Location
The location of every pier is very important to provide full foundation support. Our engineering department is in charge of choosing each location after an in-depth analysis with the help of the foreman on the project.

Underpinning System Mid Process
In some cases, our foundation experts must dig all around the house's foundation, depending on how many piers will need to get installed to support the room. Another factor that plays an important role is the accessibility of heavy machinery to specific locations.

Underpinning Process: Distance is Key
Distance is very important because depending in how close or far away each pier is getting installed will determine the level of foundation support provided to the assigned room.

Underpinning Process: How Deep Should We Dig?
The answer is different for every homeowner since every home is located in a different area and under distinct circumstances affecting the current state of the foundation. Normally our foundation heroes need to dig from 7 to 10 feet until each pier reaches the strata layer.

Underpinning Process: Is Heavy Machinery Necessary?
The answer is yes because depending on the accessibility of our crew and their tool, they need to determine which is the right tool to use for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.