Sings of Foundation Problems - 1
One of the symptoms, when there is a foundation problem, is not being able to close the door properly or struggling to do so.

Sings of Foundation Problems - 2
Cracks on the wall are another clear sign of a foundation problem.

Sings of Foundation Problems - 3
Cracks on the ceiling are the worse since they are so impossible sometimes it is impossible not to look.

Piers Installation System: Distance is Key
The distance between each pier is crucial since that determines how much support will the peirs combined will provide based on the consumer's goals and house's needs.

Piers Installation System: Location
Each location for every pier is determined by our engineering department with the help of the foreman in charge of the project.

Piers Installation System: Challenges an obstacles
Whenever our foundation experts are digging a hole, they need to make sure that no tubs will get broken; otherwise, a water leak will delay the whole process and cause negative results.

Piers Installation System: How deep do we dig?`
We get this question very often, and every answer will be different since every house got built differently and has different needs, so I deep analysis needs to be completed to determine what type of pier will get used and what the depth will be.

Piers Installation System: Protecting is Caring
Whenever our foundation experts are working on a project, they need to make sure all surroundings are protected; that is why they use plastic sheets to protect everything from any unfortunate event.

Piers Installation System: Heavy Machinery
Every machinery is needed whenever there is a heavy-duty project as underpinning to stay efficient and deliver the results withing the expected time frame.

Piers Installation System: Last Assessment
Right before permanently attaching each pier with its assigned bracket, our foundation experts needed to complete the last evaluation, where they will check the current status of the house's foundation to see if it is wise to lift the foundation back to its original position.

After Piers Installation System
As shown in this image, the holes got covered, and all the piers got installed, providing full foundation support to the hose. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family will no longer have to worry about their foundation.