Stem Wall Failure Symptoms: Flaking Paint
Flaking paint is the first of the stem wall failure symptoms to appear. Most people might confuse these types of signs by blaming the sunlight and intense heat, but in reality, they should be blaming corrosion instead.

Stem Wall Failure Symptoms: Vertical Concrete Cracks
As with any other problem, a problem comes with symptoms, and each symptom has a meaning. For instance, each concrete crack has a different meaning, and in this case, a vertical concrete crack means that the corrosion problems started in the tie-down straps and then it spread to the rest of the stem wall elements.

Concrete Repair Stem Wall Process: Removing Damaged Paint
When there is flaking paint, we speed up the process and remove all the damaged paint along with other damaged components, including concrete, to proceed with the following steps.

Stem Wall Failure Symptoms: Spalling Concrete
The last and the worst of the stem wall symptoms is spalling concrete because when the stem wall gets to this point, it means that most of all the stem wall components will need to get replaced.

Concrete Repair Stem Wall Process: Protecting Surroundings
Whenever our concrete repair professionals are working on a project, they must make sure that all surroundings are protected because the Owners might have gravel or even grass, and the Owners do not want it to get damaged by any means.

Concrete Repair Stem Wall Process: Rebar Replacement & Rust Prevention
As seen in this photo, the rebar got replaced, and a blue material got added over the stem wall components to prevent rust production.

After Stem Wall Repair Process
As shown in this picture, the stem wall got repaired and looks smooth, neat, and ready for another layer of paint. Thanks to Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family will no longer have to worry about corrosion threatening their house's stem wall ever again.