Signs of Foundation Problems down in Flagstaff, AZ
These cracks are clear signs of foundation problems. Due to the unstable soils beneath the foundation, the cracks can only get larger, deeper, and more expensive to repair.

Compaction Grouting Process: Drilling & Double-checking
Our heroes always make sure that the holes drilled are as deep as they should and in the determined place. Because the grout will get injected with high pressure so keeping it safe for everyone is very important.

Compaction Grouting Process: Conquering Challenges
Most of the time, the design of the house is not very favorable with the tools we use, so we must improvise, as shown in the image. The Black hose had to come through the window to reach the determined work area.

Compaction Grouting Process: Pre Injection Step
In this picture, the black hose is already inside and is ready to inject some grout in this house down in Flagstaff, AZ.

Compaction Grouting Process: Injecting the Grout Material
There is never enough safety when it comes to performing heavy-duty work. When Compaction Grouting gets performed, two of our heroes need to supervise it while making sure everything is in place when injecting the grout.