Indicators of Foundation Issues: Exterior Floor Cracks
If you notice cracks on your floor, it could be a sign of a foundation problem. It's crucial to seek help from professionals to prevent further damage in the future.
Indicators of Foundation Issues: Ceiling Cracks
The main problem with foundation problems is that if the main issues do not get treated on time, the cracks, along with other symptoms, will just worsen, causing them to be more visible and severe.
Indicators of Foundation Issues: Exterior Wall Cracks
Ladder cracks are a common sign of foundation problems in houses built with bricks or blocks, named so due to their shape.
Indicators of Foundation Issues: Interior Floor Cracks
Interior floor cracks might take longer to get visible than other cracks since some houses have flooring tile covering the floor, preventing the homeowner to see the crack.
Underpinning Process: Protecting is Caring
Whenever our team goes to a project, they make sure to use a plastic sheet to protect the surroundings from unfortunate events that might damage the area.
Underpinning Process: Is heavy Machinery Required?
Yes, heavy machinery such as excavators is required along with other specific tools to maximize productivity and quality.
Underpinning Process: Is the location of Each Pier Important?
Yes, the location of each pier is important based on our professionals having to evaluate the whole area and select each spot based on the house's needs and customer goals.
Underpinning Process: Challenges & Obstacles
Sometimes small obstacles such as tubing, roots, and rocks appear out of nowhere in unwanted areas, but our staff is well-trained to over overcome all of those obstacles.
Underpinning Process: Final Look
After installing every single pier, our foundation repair team fills the hole aging with dirt and then with fresh new concrete to leave the areas as aesthetic as possible.
Underpinning Process: Team Work
Teamwork and communication is the key to our success since communication helps us to be in constant contact, and it is very convenient in case of any delay that might negatively affect the process of any project. Teamwork helps us to work more efficiently and faster too.