Signs of Foundation Problems: Space Gaps
One of the most common signs of foundation issues is space gaps between the baseboard and the walls.
Signs of Foundation Problems: Floor Cracks
Another very common symptom of a foundation problem or cracks on the floor. Expansive soil plays a huge role in this issue since the changing volume causes the concrete slabs to fluctuate and damage the whole structure of the house.
Piers installation System: Safe First
In order to protect all surroundings, including the people living in the house. The tape needs to be placed in the area where the repair is getting done in order to protect the safety of the homeowners and our dear employees.
Piers installation System: Distance is Key
This distance between each pier is very important because it will determine how much foundation support will be provided to every single room. The further away each pier is, the weaker the foundation support will be. On the other hand, the closer each pier is, the stronger. The foundation support will be.
Piers installation System: Location
The location and the number of piers used are crucial because every room has different needs and purposes; therefore, every solution needs to be tailored to every single problem.
Piers Installation System: How deep is enough?
Generally, our foundation repair crew drills each pier from 7 to 10 feet deep until the strata layer is reached. Every house is different and might require different needs, so the level of deepness might fluctuate.
Piers Installation System: Softening it up
Right before excavating, our foundation uses the tool shown in the picture to soften the soil and dig faster the hole to proceed with the process.