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What's in a Name? Arizona Ram Jack vs Arizona Foundation Solutions

Whats in a Name Arizona Ram Jack vs Arizona Foundation Solutions - Image 1

You may have noticed in looking at our website www.foundationrepairsaz.com  that we have changed our name from Arizona Ram Jack to Arizona Foundation Solutions. So what is this all about? Are we changing our ownership? Our services? Our location? The answer is no to all of this.Whats in a Name Arizona Ram Jack vs Arizona Foundation Solutions - Image 2

Over the years we have gradually diversified our services to include technology to take care of the requests of our clients that are not currently being met. This has resulted in number of additional processes that have proven valuable to our clients. As I am fond of saying “ if the only tool you have is a hammer, then all of your problems start looking like nails” Some examples of services are Compaction Grouting, Mud Jacking, Micro piles, Rock bolting, crack stitching, and our latest innovation, shallow barrier grouting. With this latest technology we have spent years developing to solve a common problem, that currently has no good solutions for. It literally involves a chemical solution injected below grade to stop moisture from migrating under the house resulting in less heaving. More on this particular service on a later blog.

The point I am making is that we see ourselves primarily in providing innovative solutions to meet challenging problems that our clients present to us. So we have adjusted our name to more accurately reflect our primary core of providing solutions to foundation problems.

Because we also do large amount of commercial new construction and alterations, we felt that foundation repair did not encompass all of these types of services and that foundation solutions did encompass these services. So finally we bit the bullet and made the change. Hope you like it. Feel free to contact me and give me your thoughts.

About the author

Robert Brown
Expert in foundation diagnosis and repairs. Expert witness and patent holder.

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Arizona Foundation Solutions
3125 S 52nd St
Tempe, AZ 85282