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Understanding House Movement: Causes, Solutions, and Concrete Lifting Methods in Arizona

Understanding House Movement: Causes, Solutions, and Concrete Lifting Methods in Arizona - Image 1

Understanding House Foundation Movement: Causes, Solutions, and Concrete Lifting Methods in Arizona

Is my house moving, or is the surface? Arizona Foundation Solutions have the answer. Many houses in Arizona are victims of foundation problems. Therefore, people had to come up with different methods to repair each one of the foundation issues. The major problem is that the houses not only moved, but they started deteriorating and damaging the whole structure. However, every consequence has an origin or a cause. 



Natural causes

Some factors contribute to soil movements, such as rain, humidity, soil type, or even a dry-out. The main factor is the type of soil where the house got built, and Arizona is mainly composed of clay. 


Clay Soil

Clay is a type of soil that is elastic and expansive, which provokes changes in its volume on different occasions. The clay volume changes depending on how much exposure to moisture it has over a determined period of time. The more exposure to water clay has, the more it will expand. Moreover, the less exposure to moisture clay has, the more it will shrink and affect the whole house structure. 


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Some people might be asking... And what is wrong if soil changes its volume? Well, When Clay gets swollen, it causes foundation heave problems, and when it shrinks it causes foundation settlement problems. In some other cases, there is a combination of both of the foundation issues; however, any of the two can lead to incredible damage to a house structure. 



Humidity plays an important role when facing foundation problems because it causes the soil to retain more water than it should. Even though the contact with moisture might not be as direct or obvious as when water is getting poured into the soil, the clay can still get negatively affected. The air can be a moisture transporter and not only affects the soil beneath the house's foundation but it also affects wood. 


A few people might be asking themselves right now... how wood can affect my house's functionality? Well, it might not negatively affect your house if you have a conventional or post-tension foundation, but if you have a crawl space, that is a different story. The wooden pillars supporting your home's foundation will only weaken and cause mold.


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Rain might smell right, look amazing, and give you a good feeling but not to your foundation. Rain is equal to water excess and foundation heave. In some places, rain is seasonal, and in others is a daily factor. As mentioned before, overexposure to water in the foundation changes the soil volume by making it expand. Additionally, the concrete composing the house foundation start to deteriorate. 


As time goes by, the PH of the concrete composing a house foundation changes, becoming more acidic. When the PH changes, the concrete foundation begins to crack and let more water in. The more water, the more damage to the house's structure leads to more serious foundation issues.



On the contrary, in some areas, there is not enough moisture. A lack of water not only prevents the soil from swelling but also from maintaining a normal and balanced state. As mentioned before, when there is not enough moisture exposure to the soil, it tends to shrink and cause a settlement problem. One place with very frequent dry outs in Texas, which is why their houses might have been built differently. Dry-outs not only affect crops but also foundations and structures.


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Special Natural Events


Earthquakes are unexpected and even catastrophic. There are some natural events people can prepare for and avoid damage. Nevertheless, earthquakes are not one of them. These types of natural events are unexpected and can happen anywhere at any time. Most insurance companies do not cover your home damage when it comes to specific natural events such as earthquakes. This reaction from the insurance companies is not new at all, especially when it comes to expensive coverage. 



Non-natural causes

Water leaks 

Water leaks are more common than people might think. Some water leaks are excessive, and some others we do not even notice until later. However, even if the leak is small, a constant and temporary leak can damage a foundation permanently. 


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PolyLevel Vs. Mudjacking

As with any other problem, there is a solution. Depending on the type of foundation issue the family is facing, whether it is a heave or even a settlement problem, there is a solution. Some solutions are better than others, depending on the consumer priority and assigned budget. In this case, we are going to mention the difference between mudjacking and PolyLevel. 


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Mudjacking is a mix of sand and cement, among other types of grout, that gets injected into the soil. The method is also called concrete leveling or even grout pressure. Foundation experts might use it to raise concrete slabs, driveways, patios, or even stair steps back to their original position. 



  • This is a relatively inexpensive method.
  • The injection slurry is largely constructed from naturally occurring materials with no harmful environmental impact.
  • Mudjacking is a time-tested service that most contractors are familiar with.



  • The material is too rough in surface to fill underlying voids beneath a concrete slab, increasing the probability of further sinking soon.
  • The injected materials are extremely heavy.
  • Large holes must be made in the flooring
  • Mudjacking can last for long periods, but it is fundamentally less reliable and usually needs to be replaced.
  • The materials are inclined to wash out if the material gets exposed to water.

PolyLevel Foam

PolyLevel is an expansive foam material called Polyurethane that solidifies and helps our foundation experts to raise concrete slabs and level floors. The foam material gets injected into the soil and fully expands and solidifies within 15 minutes. This type of material is perfect for concrete slabs, stair steps, and even driveways. 



  • PolyLevel injection is a long-lasting technique.
  • The polyurethane thickness is enough to fill hollows below a sinking foundation.
  • A feature of polyurethane that will make the results more attractive is a smaller injection hole.
  • Lightweight materials are used that will not cause extra soil compression and will flow effortlessly during the injection procedure.
  • The soil below the foundation will mix well with the polyurethane and gain greater strength as a result.


  •  Equipment and materials are expensive and frequently not accessible to smaller contractors that specialize in residential work.
  • Fewer contractors have access to this process, and it is not as commonly available to homeowners as other methods.


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Now that you know why your house is moving, you can see which concrete lifting process can fit you better. Depending on where you are located and what foundation companies are nearby, you will be able to choose which method is better for you. Having the Pros and cons for each method is crucial to make the best buying decision for you and your home. 


A home improvement investment might seem a little expensive in the beginning, but since the benefits start to get noticeable, it will be worth it. Any problem when it is not completely known or understood can look intimidating. Searching for the right expert for your problem is crucial to get the best results. Arizona Foundation Solutions (AZFS) are not only experts on foundation, but they are also soil experts and what causes soil movement. 


Our company counts on very professional and experienced staff who can assist you in the best way possible. Give us a call at 1-602-470-1311 and schedule your appointment. 

Want to learn more about Polyleveling from one of our Foundation Specialists? Watch this video!


our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Arizona Foundation Solutions
3125 S 52nd St
Tempe, AZ 85282